CP – Claripor™ Filter Cartridge

General Cartridges

Polypropylene pleated depth media for critical process applications.

The best of pleated and depth style technologies combine in the Claripor™ pleated depth filter cartridges. The unique layered construction provides absolute retention with high flow rates and excellent gel removal. These features, in addition to Claripor™’s high contaminant holding capacity and exceptional clarifying ability, make it an ideal choice for a wide array of critical process applications.

Claripor™ cartridges are available with polypropylene media in absolute (99.98%) micron ratings from 0.5 to 90 microns.

Typical applications include critical coatings, inkjet inks and specialty chemicals.

For install information, specifications and detailed information, download the PDFs below or Find a Rep. If you are ready to purchase this product for your organization, request a quote by filling out the form below.