TubeTrace® Type SP/MP

TubeTrace® Type SP/MP

Steam of Fluid Heated Tubing Bundles

Freeze protection or process temperature maintenance with a tube temperature range: 5°C to 205°C (40°F to 250°F). Designed to provide freeze protection or temperature maintenance for metallic and non-metallic tubing with “heavy” steam trace, TubeTrace Type SP/MP is suitable for use with process analyzers, emissions analyzers, and impulse lines to flow or pressure transmitters where steam or hot liquid is the preferred heating media.

TubeTrace Type SP/MP “heavy” steam trace is a metallic tracer tube that is in direct contact with the process tube(s). The tracer tube and process tube(s) are cabled together thereby mechanically binding the tu
bes. This ensures consistent heat transfer and performance along the entire length by preventing separation or tube migration within the bundle.

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