Genesis Network™

Genesis Network™

Controls & Monitoring

The Genesis Network delivers full operational awareness and supervisory control over heat trace systems, with low total installed cost and maximum flexibility.

Genesis Network connects all heat trace controllers via wireless mesh communications to the control room. In the control room, alarms and performance history are logged and displayed to operators, maintenance teams, and management via a user-friendly browser based interface accessible from any PC or tablet.

With industry-leading technology to connect and optimize your heat trace system, ensuring process up-time, full operational awareness and minimized maintenance and cost, Genesis Network features many benefits. It utilizes an adaptive and self-healing wireless mesh network to deliver real-time status reporting and smart data analytics along with browser-based user interfaces that can be accessed from the control room, the field, or remote locations.


  • Site-wide visibility
  • Optimized alarm settings
  • Rapid diagnosis using historical data
  • Data analysis and presentation


  • Simplified upgrade /changes
  • Remote software updates
  • Browser Interface
  • Single Server
  • Event Driven


  • Wireless Network
  • Mesh Network
  • Real-Time
  • Communication Options
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