HT Hopper Heating Module

HT Hopper Heating Module

Hopper and Chute Heating

The HT hopper heating module is a rugged, self-contained high performance heater designed for reliable operation on surfaces prone to vibration. Designed to provide heat outputs up to 4,650 watts per square meter (3 watts per square inch) depending on the application, the HT module distributes heat evenly over the entire panel surface. To ensure optimal performance, each system is engineered by Thermon based on the heating requirements of the application.

A parallel circuit design, based on a stamped high temperature INCONEL® heating element, provides the HT heating module with multiple flow paths for electrical current to pass. This design eliminates the burnou
t potential common with series wire-based designs. Protection of the heating element from vibration is achieved with a cushion layer of insulation that also directs the flow of heat from the module to the surface being heated.

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