TraceNet™ ECM

TraceNet™ ECM

Controls & Monitoring

The well established Thermon TraceNet range has now been extended by the TraceNet ECM – Electronic Control Module. This highly accurate state of the art controller has a very wide control range and can be located in hazardous areas. It has been designed for a wide range of ambient temperatures where heat tracing for freeze protection or temperature maintenance is applied: from the Arctic -74°C (-76°F) to Desert 55°C (+131°F) environments. The ECM is capable of switching high current ratings, and can also be supplied as a controller and/or limiter, for pipe or wall mounting.
It can be set in degrees Centigrade or Fahrenheit and provided with various data highway communication capabilities. (Standard communication port RS485-MODBUS RTU protocol) These characteristics make the TraceNet ECM the most versatile and affordable local to application (or ‘pipe mounted’) controller in the market.

For install information, specifications and detailed information, download the PDFs below or Find a Rep. If you are ready to purchase this product for your organization, request a quote by filling out the form below.